Well, we were only going to drive to Fargo, but being the super hero driver that I am, we made it all the way to

Grand Forks, ND. The drive was....well it was a drive. Not much to see, not anything to see really. Mom and I had a good time, we started listening to a Carol Higgins Clark book (Mary's daughter) and had to turn it off because the writing was soooooo bad. Zoey did AWESOME in the car although she slept on top of her kennel the entire time and barked just about everytime we passed a truck (and tried to bite at it). I don't have much more for tonight, we are off to Yorkton tomorrow although we think we can make it to Saskatoon. The internet is pretty sketchy here at the Clarion so hopefully some of the pictures will get uploaded.
Catch you later!
So i was in Grand Forks last week. and stayed at that clarion. your right about the internet. kept coming and going. hope everything is going good with you. we are doing just fine. Emily is getting bigger by the day. 3 more months left!!