I know that I have mentioned it before, but my school is the definition of diverse. There is no majority ethnicity, race, economic background, or family structure in any of my 6 classes, and the best part about it is that students co -mingle. In other schools I have been in, the students self segregate to some degree, but at East they seem to all get along. Sure, there are groups of students from the same ethnic background, but they are few and far between.
Another thing I have noticed is the variety of teachers. There have been several that I have met who do things the same way they did them 20 years ago, and will continue that way for the next 20, and that makes things difficult. I was starting to get somewhat discouraged by the end of last week, as I wasn't getting out of my classroom frequently to work with other teachers in the building, and wasn't sure how things were all going to work out. Of course, God has a plan for all of us (he is just a little more patient than I would like in deciding to lay it out) and today when I began my collaborating, I found out what his plan is.
During the day I collaborate with 4 different teachers (Geometry, Algebra A, 9th Grade English, and Biology), and of the ones I had the chance to work with today, there was not a single boring teacher in the group. Their care for their students and passion for their jobs speaks volumes. It makes me proud to be part of their classroom. I can only assume that the rest of the year is going to go even better. Thanks God for showing me that patience really is a virtue.
I am busy on grad school applications (eesh!) but I wanted to share what is
both a beautifully done, but also deeply troubling photo essay. Child labor
15 years ago