Some of the interesting facts about my district:
1. It is home to over 50,000 students!
2. Over 95 languages are spoken by its students/families

4. It has its own disaster plan complete with shelters, emergency generators, food and water supply and rescue squads (it can take care of 2,200 people for up to a month with out outside help).
5. Several people told em they tried to get jobs at my high school and were disappointed when they didn't!
6. East is one of the few high schools that provides its teachers with new Mac laptops.
7. ASD is home to the family support program for the whole state
8. For those of you in Iowa, our staff support system puts AEA to shame
Thats all I have for today, check back later for more!
EXTRA FUN FACT: According to "Unwrapped" Des Moines consumes the most frozen pizza in the country, NOT per-capita.
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