Tomorrow is my first official day at East High School as a special education teacher. A mixture of

nerves and excitement are flowing through my every limb. Today, as a warm up, all of the new staff were taken on a tour of the building and given our personal laptops. I was slightly saddened to find out that our laptops were the same as the one that I currently use (although smaller, which is quite nice for transport), and were put out just before cameras were a common installment. We will, however, get new ones in late October (or early December in school district time), and they should have the camera, so no video conferencing until then.
The staff that I have met thus far are friendly, warm and

welcoming and the building is just plain huge. They have a new auditorium that would put many city auditoriums to shame, and an incredibly diverse student population. My State Farm agent was the 10th person to tell me what a wonderful school East is and how much I will love teaching there, which is incredibly encouraging.
In new news, Zoey has officially met my neighbor (though I cannot, for the life of me, remember her name) and wandered into her apartment twice, only slightly embarrassing. Now, every time I take her out for a walk she tears in that direction and attacks the door!

I am not sure what is in there, but the dog thinks it is the coolest place ever. I also got to meet the neighbor, and she seems really nice. She is in business school, has the cutest son I have ever seen, and is going to enlist in the Navy when she graduates. Hopefully we will see more of her, it nice to have a neighbor you can trust to watch over your place when you are out. She loves Zoey and misses her pit bull mix she had to leave in Fairbanks (no pit bulls in our apt. complex), so I am hoping that she will watch her if I am ever out of town :)

I got my camera from Mom so the pictures are from when she was here and we went hiking and then visited Alyeska Skii resort it was gorgeous and 35 minutes from my home! Enjoy the rest of your summers!
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