Out here, in the Land of the Midnight Sun, one cannot forget to mention that there is also an 8am moon. As Fall dwindles and Winter knocks at our doors, the sun bows to the moon earlier and earlier every day. This morning, when I took Zoey out at 8:15, there was not a single ray of sunshine to be seen and darkness enveloped the morning sky.
The news is a constant reminder that we are headed towards even shorter days with what is going to seem like endless nights, as we are loosing 5+ minutes of daylight every day. It isn't so easy to wake up in the morning and accept that the darkness is going to last well into your start of the work day. By mid-December (winter solstice), we will be down to 5.5 hours of daylight.
There is a plus side to all of this, however, as the sun will start to come back in February. Come March we will be back to normal length days and as April rears its head we will see the sun 13+ hours a day. All of this building up the summer solstice and a near 24 hours of sunlight in mid-June. It's funny how God finds a way to even it all out in the end, isn't it?
If you want to check out the sunrise/sunset times for a specific day go to: Time and Date.com
I am busy on grad school applications (eesh!) but I wanted to share what is
both a beautifully done, but also deeply troubling photo essay. Child labor
15 years ago
Cute blog!