It is a known fact, around here, that once October arrives, the snow is quick to follow. Usually, father winter holds off until nearly Halloween, however, last year Anchorage was already covered in snow by this time. On Friday, I woke to notice my car covered in frost, and realized (upon taking Zoey out) that it is time for a winter coat... 28 degrees is always a nice wake up call. Luckily for me, though, the low the past few nights has been in the 30's with highs in the mid 40's, so I can't really explain.
Never-the-less, I am excited for the snow to arrive. I purchased cross country ski gear last weekend (for a super low price) and am looking into snowshoes. There are so many trails and back country areas out here for me to try my hand at, I can't wait. I really want to get out there and downhill ski, but due to the bum knee, it looks like that wont be happening until January (I had not considered that in June).
Otherwise, things here are going well. The scenery continues to amaze me on a daily basis. Now that it is dark at night, I get to observe the spectacular view of the mountains under a full moon (see pictures, I didn't take them, but that it what it looks like), and I love how the fog clears over the mountains to reveal fresh blankets of white snow creeping down the hillside. For all of you who have been here in the summer, fall and winter are magical things to behold.

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