If a football game starts at 1:00pm/12:00pm Eastern/Central time, that means that it starts at 9:00am in beautiful Alaska. This means that while all of the country is enjoying beer and brats, we are at a bar enjoying eggs and bacon with a good Bloody Mary (after 10am).
I skipped church this morning to watch the Packers take down the St. Louis Rams along with half of Anchorage. Football here is so much different than anywhere else I have ever lived, first...there are a ton of Packer fans (strange for being almost 4,000 miles away), but also fans from just about every other state. It is so much fun to be at a bar, eating breakfast and cheering on your team with fans of five other teams sitting next to you. Since this is such a migrant city (is that the right word?), people here cheer for everyone from the Steelers, to the Gators, the 49ers (lets not talk about how they screwed up today), and the Cowboys. It makes for quite the rowdy crowd.
The only downfall to these festivities is that you have to get to some of the bars at 8am to get a seat, I am not sure where I have ever been where people fight for bar stools at 9 in the morning. I love this place :)
I am busy on grad school applications (eesh!) but I wanted to share what is
both a beautifully done, but also deeply troubling photo essay. Child labor
15 years ago
OMG THIS IS SO FUNNY THATS ALL I CAN SAY.I love you lots and miss you glad you are having fun.