The Last Frontier

The Last Frontier

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day weekend...thus far

God could not have blessed us with better weather for this weekend. It has been sunny and 65 all weekend making for an outdoors-man's heaven on earth. Zoey and I checked out the Chester Creek Trail on Friday after school (it is an extension of the Coastal Trail), and with the colors of the trees already changing for Fall the walk was surreal. I don't have a lot of pictures to post, mostly because after a while all of the mountains look the same on film (not in person, I could never tire of the view).

This morning I tried out another church in the area. I am finding it hard to find a fit after being so spoiled by Hope! The first church I tried did not let women participate in leading roles, which I really have a hard time with. Then my physical therapist wants me to attend his church (he belongs to a Luther Church Missouri Synod church), but once again the woman thing is a problem, and they have to "approve" you before you can take communion...which, I feel, is not the church's decision to make. If a person has committed his/her life to Christ then he/she has the right to take communion (even if they have not committed, the issue is between him/her and God). I just do not think it is something that we as a church have a right to decide, how can we tell someone that they are not worthy of taking communion?

Finally the church I attended this weekend. It has joined up with the local christian radio station, which I do listen to as it is the only one in town, but is quite conservative. Recently, Alaska voted on a law to allow people of any sexual orientation equal rights under the law, and correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that this law did not include marriage. This radio station aired commercials asking the listeners to protest this law... how can you protest a law that aims to treat people in a fair and equal way? I just don't think that the Church and politics should always co-mingle... I am not even sure how to phrase how I feel. The point is, this church was not a fit for me.

Check out this website... I think that God is trying to shove me to this church. Read the pastor profiles carefully...

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