This week was rough. In a school of 2400 students, 300+ of whom have IEP's, it becomes very difficult to manage my caseload of 33. It is my job to make sure that the students pass classes and the High School Graduation Qualifying Exams and meet IEP goals. To do this, I have to communicate with 66 parents/guardians/social workers, 87 teachers, and countless other support staff and with progress reports due this week I am feeling a bit hopeless. It is an impossible task, and though I am doing the best I can, I can't help but feel like I have failed some of my students in some way.
To make matters worse, I have this stinking nasty unending cold that has taken hold the majority of our building, but don't fear... this blog is not meant to post my pity party announcements or to feel sorry for myself (which I caught myself doing this morning). This blog is about God whacking me upside the head, telling me to do what I can and ask him for help with the rest.
Now, I know this may sound tacky, but I was perusing iTunes today when I stumbled across Whitney Houston's new CD. If you haven't had the chance to listen to it yet, you are really missing out. This album puts any other Christian album I have heard to shame, and it is because she speaks from experience and the heart...real life stuff that anyone can relate to. Start out listening to "I Didn't Know My Own Strength" and then the cover track "I Look to You", and I guarantee you will not be sorry.
Just listening to the sample tracks made me stop and think. I can't do it by myself, but the best part is that I don't have to... God is there to help (or rather I am there to help him:). I figure if he can help Whitney overcome addiction, get out of a bad relationship and get her life back on track, then helping me get 33 kids to pass High School English is like asking the post office lady for a stamp. I just need to remember that it is not MY doing, it is GOD's doing through me.
*Not my typical post, I know, but I really do think you should check out the album.
I am busy on grad school applications (eesh!) but I wanted to share what is
both a beautifully done, but also deeply troubling photo essay. Child labor
15 years ago
33 on your caseload. That is crazy. I can't complain about mine. I am sick as well. This school year is already kicking my butt. It didn't help that I moved this week and closed on the house yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThat is an amazing revelation, Maggie! I'll be praying specifically for you, and ask my Bible Study ladies to pray as well. God can do something really powerful through you because you have recognized it is up to Him! Phil 4:13 - I can do everything through him who gives me strength.