The Last Frontier

The Last Frontier

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oddities around Ancorage

I decided to dedicate this post to the odd announcements heard around town:
Me: Look! There is snow on the top of the mountains!
Teacher: We call that terminal frost.
Me: I don't care what fancy pants term you have, it is called snow.
Teacher: Yes, but terminal frost makes me hopeful that snow will not reach us before October.
My bud Leslie heard this on the radio today: On the way home this is what I heard on the radio: "ALERT ALERT there is a bull moose on Nothern Lights Blvd. The moose is appearing agitated and dangerous and slowing traffic. Please stay in your vehicles."

A school announcement the other day: Remember students... as it gets closer to wintertime today, if there is a moose at your bus stop, stay away. Move down the street and the bus will come get you there, do not irritate or try to pet the moose.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie, these posts are fabulous!!! I will keep you in my prayers, hope that the cold gets better and that you feel God's strength as you deal with all of your challenges at school - you are an inspiration to me Maggie - hang in there!!!! Love, Keri
